About: This club is to prove to you everything that may seem right, wrong. We do our best to provide you with the true information on pokemon. Now, before you say "Ok! I'm in!", please read...
Power: What pokemon is more powerful, Pikachu or Raichu? Raichu. But Pikachu beat Raichu in the gym battle! True. But listen to this. Ash used strategy, Lt. Surge Surge used power. Strategy is more powerful than power. And, plus, Raichu is stronger than Pikachu, but Pikachu beat because his trainer used strategy. Also, it's an animation! If I animated an Oddish sitting on a chair with a big, yellow, hairy, smelly, wart on his ear while watching baby shows doesn't mean all Oddishs do it, right? Of course! See? Raichu is stronger than Pikachu, but if you use strategy, the weaker can win. How I know Raichu is stronger? All evolved forms are stronger, and you could always go to the official pokemon website and go to the pokedex. Once you do it, type Pikachu. Look at it's stats. Then Raichu. Compare them. Raichu has higher stats than Pikachu. Just to remind you, if a weaker pokemon uses strategy, they could always beat it's stronger form. Power just makes it faster.
TV Show: Remember when Pikachu beat Onix with electric attacks? Well, that's impossible. I once battled an Onix with my Raichu, at lv 100, and used an electric attack. It didn't effect Onix. Why? Onix is partly Ground type. The show can be confusing, and if you need a question answered by the experts, please contact the leader, PKMN Trainer Nella (me).
Members: PKMN Trainer Nella
Join: If you would like to join, contact PKMN Trainer Nella at [email protected].